Mount Saint Catherine Hiking Adventure

3 Days

Climb the legendary Sinai Mountains and explore the holy sites of Moses’ burning bush.

Our Most Special Hiking Trip. Organized by our innovative Weekend Egypt Rest Tours team. Visit Egypt’s Highest Peak St. Catherine 2637m and Enjoy The Holy Lands of Mount Sinai.

On a Mount Saint Catherine Hike Adventure, you will have the opportunity to explore the majestic and majestic beauty of the Sinai Mountains. This amazing excursion will take you to the highest mountain in Egypt, where you will be able to take in the breathtaking views, enjoy some of the world’s most exquisite and spiritual scenery, and experience the joy of hiking in the Holy Land.

The journey will begin with a steep climb up the mountain, where you will be able to take in the stunning scenery of the Sinai Mountains. The views are unlike anything else, with the rolling hills stretching out in every direction and the snow-capped peak of Mount Sinai looming in the distance. As you ascend the mountain, you will be able to take in the beauty of the desert and the rocky terrain, as well as the vibrant colors of the sky as the sun sets and the stars begin to twinkle.

Once you reach the top of the mountain, you will be able to explore the holy site of Moses’ burning bush and the monastery that is dedicated to celebrating his life. You can also take in the stunning view of the Red Sea below and the vast expanse of the Sinai Desert. You will be able to enjoy the peace of this sacred space and take in the spiritual atmosphere that surrounds the area.

Your Mount Saint Catherine Hiking Adventure will be an unforgettable memory that you will cherish for years to come. Explore the Sinai Mountains and all the amazing things they have to offer. The natural beauty of the area is stunning.

Hiking in Egypt Tips and Guidelines

Wear Appropriate Clothing: Hiking in Egypt can be a hot and sunny experience but also can be freezing cold on the top of the mountains and during the winter season, so it is important to breathable clothing that will keep you cool and comfortable during the day and having heavy layers and sleeping bag at night. Make sure to wear a hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen, and also bring an extra layer of clothing for cooler temperatures. The Mount Saint Catherine hike in the winter can be the coldest and the temperature can drop to 0 degrees with snow on the peak.
Stay Hydrated: Make sure you bring plenty of water with you and drink it often to avoid dehydration. If you plan to hike for a long time, consider packing a water filter or purification tablets.
Bring a Map: Make sure you have a good map of the area you are hiking in, as well as a compass and a GPS device.
Watch Your Step: Egypt has some rough terrain, so you should be careful to watch your step and avoid any areas that may be unstable or slippery.
Respect the Wildlife: Egypt is home to a variety of wildlife, so it is important to be aware of your surroundings and respect the animals you may encounter.

6 .  Stay on the Trails: When hiking in Egypt, it is important to stay on designated trails, as it is illegal to hike off-trail in many areas.

Follow Leave No Trace Principles: Make sure to follow the Leave No Trace principles when hiking in Egypt, which includes packing out all trash, respecting wildlife, and leaving the area as you found it.
Stay on the Lookout for Ancient Ruins: Egypt is home to a variety of ancient ruins, so it is important to be aware of your surroundings and stay on the lookout for any historical sites.
Bring a Flashlight: Remote areas can get very dark at the night, so it is important to bring a flashlight or headlamp to help you navigate your way during the night.
Be Prepared for Emergencies:  Our team will be ready with a first aid kit during the Saint Catherine hike but make sure to bring anything extra you need and any other supplies you may need in case of an emergency. It is also a good idea to let someone know where you are going and when you plan to return.

Price: $730

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Mount Saint Catherine Hiking Adventure